Vector Finesse will become head(amame)!

Hey everyone - Morgan here,

I've got some exciting news to share with you. You've likely seen some hints online, so let's get to it:

Vector Finesse is rebranding to head(amame).


The short answer is that it’s time for a change, and some clearer direction for the head(amame) project as a whole.

Part of the reason for this change is because John and I have amicably decided to pursue different paths. John's contributions to head(amame) were invaluable, and he'll certainly excel in his next endeavours.

The head(amame) project embodies the essence of 3D printing - creativity, accessibility, and the rewarding experience of creating something unique in your own space. With this name change, I'm officially embracing that essence, taking a step to better align the brand with what we've been doing and where we want to go.

"Morgan what the hell are you even saying?"

Alright that last bit was a little touchy feely for an engineer like me, but here's a number of upcoming changes that will make some waves.

File Access

Modification will open!

While I'm still deciding on the specific license, I'm happy to announce

head(amame) and min(amame) will become open for customization.

One of the most requested features will finally become available. I've become ready to let my project be modified by others! With V2 I finally feel like I found a solid plateau to set the project off on and I've gotten it to a place where it can serve as a platform for others to take liberties with. 

Want bunny ears where the leather clamps are? Cones that look like volleyballs? A headband that spells your name in cursive?

To all of the above I say awesome! Modify to your heart's content! Post your mods online, see if I care! You just can't charge for them because...

Files are now FREE!

That's right, no more picking head(amame) or min(amame) kits with and without files. No more digging back through your email to find the ones we sent ages ago. I'm just going to let them be downloaded by anyone who wants them. 

Patreon Members 

For our Patreon members, who have so diligently supported this project for the last 3 years. I'm giving you access to native CAD files to help with that modification, giving you a big head start for your wildest ideas.

Website and Social


Unfortunately it's impossible to rename a subreddit, so r/vectorfinesse will be archived, and everything will be migrated over to the new r/headamame. Go give it a follow, and maybe post your favorite build photo in there to get the SEO going!

Social Media

Our TikTok and Twitter, and Discord handles are changing to reflect the new name, head(amame). 

I've launched brand new YouTube and Instagram accounts specifically for head(amame). Go follow them! This is because John will be keeping the original VF one's.

Website and Email Transition

Our website and email addresses will soon be shifting to the domain:

Send all online order support requests to

I'll be removing any order support posts on Reddit/Discord if I see them there. There's just too many places to monitor while trying to maintain a healthy social media balance.

Support improvement

On the topic of support, I've done a lot of order filling the last three years. This hasn't always gone super smooth, and so I've gone through a complete shop rework to make our fullfillment system smoother, and faster. I'm planning on hiring a part time employee to complete that fullfillment for me, so that I can focus on the big picture stuff.

Wrapping Up

As the development of V2 has progressed, I've been contemplating ways to improve your experience and continue creating projects that any 3D printer owner can get behind.

If you'd like to help steer my improvements, please fill out our very first survey!

In the upcoming days and weeks, my focus will be on ensuring this brand transition is as smooth as can be, and more importantly, improves your interaction and experience with head(amame).

Here's to the next step in our journey, and to all the potential that lies ahead with head(amame).

Happy Printing!



PS. head(amame) V2 will drop the same moment the site changes :)